Day 23
Day 23
A good morning was had on the bike. This morning things just seemed to mesh well while on the ride. It wasn’t that I was riding particularly fast or hard or that I was doing intervals with sprinting, etc. Rather things just felt good and right. This state of mind has no term in our language to convey these feelings correctly.
I was feeling part of the flow of it all perhaps…I don’t know, language has failed me. Again, the morning was beautiful, the traffic was tolerable, my bicycle was working well for once, nothing particularly out of the ordinary, yet it was. Perhaps it is my body and mind just realizing how magical (for lack of a better term) it all just is when life is just….well, just itself. That, I believe, is the issue many of us have with this life. We are always looking for the next greatest moment/thing/experience/what have you.
Greatest, biggest, shiniest, fanciest, prettiest, strongest, fastest…..what ever “-est” we happen to be chasing at that moment. We all, myself included at times, get caught up in this life by viewing it as a race. A race, though, that has no big photo finish with winners and losers no matter what anyone has told you. That is right, no matter what anyone has told you. Think about it and figure out the subtleties yourself.
Watch, and listen to yourself quietly and carefully, and see how many of the core thoughts and beliefs that you have are generally other people’s words and not something you have discovered the truth of yourself. That is not to say that all of what you hear and have been taught over your life is false, rather you need to ask “why?”. Or “How?”. Why is someone telling you something is such and such a way. How did this person come to this conclusion for themselves?
There we will end the random brain sqeezings of the after dinner mind and move on to….
The Numbers: (for biking this morning)
15.18 miles
1:01 hrs.
In seven more days, at the 30 day mark, I will go back over all of the numbers and give the totals. Also I should have some measurements since my wife got my waist, weight , leg circumference, and misc. measures at the beginning.
All those numbers should definitely play into the aforementioned predisposition of many for the “-est” and “-er” aspects of this endeavor.
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