Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 16

Another day another hour+ on the bike. That was a good start, then at home I settled down with fresh coffee and my egg/bagel concoction with a book under the new umbrella and chair on the porch in the not yet blistering heat of the morning. After a bit my little anticloud made cute morning noises and emerged. I gave her some coffee and munchie then it was off to the yard.
Once in the yard there was cutting of the grass with out manual rotary mower, and wacking of the weeds as well as spraying them with poison. Also i managed to pack the car with bottles to be recycled and stuff to take to the dump. Once that was done the morning was over and now here we are showered and relaxed and preparing to go to the store for the food.
This was a nice entry full of all kinds of quite goodness that is my life before noon on a Tuesday in June.
The numbers:
15.36 miles
1:08 hrs.

Also yesterday my bike was diagnosed with an aged and malfunctioning grip shifter. I was sold a new shifter and given the basic instructions on installation of said shifter in order to save money on shop mechanic charges. So I managed to remove the old one and install the new one.
I have gears!! It is nice to be able to run the range of gears again for riding in the morning.

OK…..grocery store…lunch….it is good.


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