Monday, June 09, 2008

Day 15

Ah yes, the half way point. The morning weather continues to be beautiful before the evil sauna that is the South in Summer barges in by lunch.
I was wondering why every once in a while some driver and/or passenger, in this case young construction types in a company pick-up, feel the need to tell me to “get up on the side walk”. This is even just before the “share the road” sign about 20 yard ahead. I think that the general populace is just undereducated about rules/laws of the road. I am in the street because:a) it is safer, b)It is the law. By riding on the side walk the person on the bicycle is automatically at fault in any car/bike collision. Of course here in SC the laws says that bicycles have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles…except..that they “ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable”. Now there is no legal definition of the word “practicable”. For me in my head I read it as “safe” which often means a good way into the lane so as to prevent other vehicle operators from endangering me as the driver of a bicycle. True bicycle are much slower than cars and many people are too important to be made late by that damn bicycle guy in the right lane of a four lane road even though they could have left earlier and given themselves leeway for unforeseeable events.

Alright I’ll get of of my high bike and stop ranting now. I generally have only good interactions with motorists on my rides. it is just those comments from the few and far between yahoos that get stuck in my craw.
The numbers:
15.29 miles
1:05 hrs.

Another day beginning bicycle bliss followed by yummy everything bagel with an egg (which also has some jalepeno and mushroom in it) and yummy coffee…and now the day has begun.


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