This is my last post from down here is Charleston, SC. Tomorrow I shall be moving up to New Bern, NC. Well mostly. My stuff will be there, for the next day I shall fly to Boston for the month of September. Then back to New Bern until the new year when I will be taking off to travel around for awhile I hope.
Who knows. It is all up in the air, I would like to be in one place that I like for at least 6 mo. to a year without moving. By moving I mean across state lines and not across town. A place that is not newer construction, i.e. sprawl. I want trains and subways. I like things to be within easy biking distance for me; about 20-30 min. tops. That means about 7-8 miles depending on the traffic.
I am hoping to get the bike and zenkrak in Boston at the same time. I am really looking foreward to biking around the various parts of the city.
here are some more bridge pictures but from night this time. If all goes well I will be doing more night riding tonight.

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