This is the road/bridge that connects James Island, where I am, with downtown. It is part of the future interstate beltway, but not connected in yet. It is actually nice to bike on over to downtown. Soon I will be riding from the house on James Island to this roadway, and across downtown and over the new bridge to Mount Pleasant ans out to Sullivans Island! Maybe I'll also ride out to Folly Island when I get back to the James Island side of things. I need to plan out a Charlseston Tour de Islands!

This is the new bridge going over to Mount Pleasant from downtown Charleston. You can see how the old set of bridges seem to coexist nicely with the new bridge. Aparances can be decieving. There is one spot that the old bridges look as if they were constructed to swerve in and around the new bridge pylons seductively. They come with in mere feet of each other there!

This is the view that has downtown sort of framed by the new bridge. This is the view one would get by going over the bridge from James Island toward downtown.
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