Saturday, August 20, 2005

If you will pardon me for a minute please. This is my own fun little space here in this world. Because of that I am going to use this for various rants and raves. So I will be plugging places I believe in very strongly often.

Don't you hate big box "media" outlets? Sure the prices might be lower on some things here and there, but you actually end up paying more in the form of taxes that help support them and free handouts like the roads that lead only to them. Wouldn't it be nice to go somewhere where the employees actually know something about the product they are selling? Wouldn't it be nice to know that the profits from your item are staying in the same zip code instead of going over seas somewhere? ( I feel a rant coming on, so I will steer away from that and back to the task at hand.)

Here in Charleston there is such a place. I thank the gods daily for 52.5. This is a store that was designed with a Zenkrak in mind, i.e. lots of music of the harder to find variety, many movies as well, for rent and sale, books and magazines.

Yeah, yeah I can just hear you now, “Barnes & Nobles has books, magazines, and.........Mediaplay has....”. Blah, blah, blah. True, they have more crap, but they don’t have Clay Scales.

Clay is the guy behind it all. He opened the store in 1997 at 52.5 Wentwoth in downtown Charleston, thus the name. The store is now at #75, but it just didn’t have the same ring to it so the name didn’t change.

This is the view one gets when you walk through the front door. All good stuff.
There is also cool stickers and such from microcosm.

Check out the store website at


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